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August 26, 2024The Secret to Scaling Ministry
About 75 church and ministry workers had convened for governance training in a country where Christians experienced persecution. I emphasize the need to help ministries flourish there. When the session began, I asked each person to introduce themselves and share about their ministry. Each one spoke with great enthusiasm.
With this strong start, we dug into the biblical and practical material. After a break, I said, “Raise your hand if you want your ministry to grow.” Their hands shot up like rockets. Then I said, “I have good news. I found the secret to scaling ministry.” They listened keenly. “But before I tell you, let me say how not to do it.”
The Portal to Exhaustion
“Don’t serve as a pastor or administrator for 50 years.” That statement got their attention. They looked puzzled, so I spoke of the importance of serving God for life but emphasized the need to shift from doing the work according to standards to developing other disciples to do the job and putting governance in place. “If you do the work, the ministry will grow by addition; you will have no succession, leading to exhaustion.” Silence filled the room.
Sadly, most church and ministry workers worldwide focus on doing the work. They run with the proverbial baton rather than handing it off to others. Few follow standards and have governance in place. Without successors or accountability, the ministry grows around a critical person. So when that person dies, the ministry dies.
The Pathway to Explosion
Then, I read, Titus 1:5. “I [the Apostle Paul] left you [Titus] behind in Crete for this reason, so that you should put in order what remained to be done and should appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” I reminded the training participants that the Apostle Paul did not do the work in Crete but directed Titus to do it. Titus needed to “put in order” the work there (which implies following consistent standards) and to “appoint elders in every town” (which refers to mobilizing mature stewards to serve in a governance capacity). Then, I concluded with this statement.
“If you develop disciples, follow standards, and put governance in place, you write a new story. The ministry will grow by multiplication; you will have succession, leading to an explosion.” Imagine their response. One person rephrased my words, saying, “Growth happens not by working harder but by working smarter.” I smiled.
The Pattern to Emulate
We can trace the Apostle Paul giving similar instructions to Timothy in Ephesus as he gave to Titus in Crete. With this pattern, the Apostle Paul shifted from doing the work to providing directions to fellow workers to work according to standards in multiple cities. He also instructed them to put governance in place for accountability.
This reveals the secret to scaling ministry. God’s workers work for a season, following standards and engaging others. By establishing governance, God’s workers ensure accountability and position the work for sustainability. Paul did this with Titus and Timothy. We can all do it with those with whom we serve.
The 75 training participants caught the vision. They will scale by getting more people involved and following standards with governance. They will direct others to do this to strengthen churches and ministries to endure persecution and to position them for sustainability. Imagine how all this will facilitate the spreading of the gospel!
What about you? Will you aim at addition and exhaustion or multiplication and explosion? Don’t let the ministry die with you. Engage stewards. Follow standards. Put governance in place—position ministry to flourish for generations.
This article was originally posted on the Christian Leadership Alliance Blog on 16 August 2024.