"For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light."Psalm 36:9
God has gifted people in every nation to play a part in helping churches and ministries flourish in their context. They just need practical training to make a difference.
At GTP, we deliver two categories or types of training: responsive trainings to address local or regional needs and replicable trainings to impact participants and to empower them to train others globally.

These trainings take our biblically-integrated teaching deeper with interactive discussion. We hear the challenges of national workers and respond with training and practical tips for local application. Our aim is to serve receptive stewards so they can impact their regions.
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We are designing these trainings to work globally. They seek to grow responsible stewards who can influence change and help ministries flourish according to standards of faithfulness. Each training has a participant’s book and a facilitator’s guide for TOT (training of trainers).