"For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God’s power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God’s power we will live with him in our dealing with you." 2 Corinthians 13:4
We refer to them as “replicable trainings” because they target both transformation and multiplication. At present, we only offer one replicable training because we want everyone in the world to go through it! We call it “Journey of Empowerment” or JOE.
What is JOE?
JOE is a spiritual and strategic experience that transforms individuals so they can influence change in their context. On the journey, participants discover God’s path for personal growth, for helping ministries flourish, and for making a difference together.
What makes JOE special?
JOE uses a fun mix of experiential learning activities, Scripture, and discussion to help stewards live out their true identity and stay on track together to impact their community. It’s a life-changing journey for small or large groups that has impacted people from 18 countries and counting.
How long does it take?
JOE is flexible. The four sessions can be delivered over a variety of timeframes, ranging from four gatherings in four weeks, to two half days, or one full day. We can help you discern the best way to bring JOE to your context.
What happens after JOE?
We empower you to share it by providing training and resources. In TOT (training of trainers), we equip you with a JOE facilitator’s guide, participant books, and coaching for guiding others through it.

What are participants saying about JOE?
100% of survey respondents rated JOE overall: “Excellent” (69%) or "Very Good" (31%).
81% said they want to facilitate JOE "right away" (31%), “in the next 1-3 months" (31%), or “in 4-6 months” (19%).
Attended a JOE or a JOE TOT?
Click here to give your feedback.